Chief Master Sergeant Allan B. Conner is the Senior Enlisted Leader of the Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. Chief Conner provides mentorship and direction on all issues concerning morale, welfare, training, assignments, career progression, and the effective utilization of 365 analysts within the Agency, including six operating locations around the continental United States. He additionally serves as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Agency Commander, Directors, and Senior Leaders across the Air Force pertaining to strategic workforce utilization and analytics, manpower requirements determination, grades allocations, programming factors, organizational process improvement, and special studies serving. Chief Master Sergeant Allan B. Conner is the Senior Enlisted Leader of the Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. Chief Conner provides mentorship and direction on all issues concerning morale, welfare, training, assignments, career progression, and the effective utilization of 365 analysts within the Agency, including six operating locations around the continental United States. He additionally serves as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Agency Commander, Directors, and Senior Leaders across the Air Force pertaining to strategic workforce utilization and analytics, manpower requirements determination, grades allocations, programming factors, organizational process improvement, and special studies serving.
CMSgt Conner entered the Air Force in June 2006. In his first career field, he served as a Medical Logistician supporting multiple named EUCOM and CENTCOM operations and State Department initiatives. In 2013, he retrained into the Manpower career field serving as an analyst at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma and two assignments at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, supporting HQ Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency and HQ Air Education and Training Command. He additionally served as a Joint manpower analyst at Headquarters, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii supporting the Joint theater transformation to Great Power Competition. Chief Conner has completed deployments supporting Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and INHERENT RESOLVE serving in Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, and the Persian Gulf. Prior to his current positions, CMSgt Conner served as Major Command Functional Manager for the 3F3 community at Headquarter Air Force Global Strike Command, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana.
2010 Airmen Leadership School, Kapaun Air Station, Germany
2010 Associate Degree, Logistics, Community College of the Air Force
2010 Associate Degree, Business Management, University of Maryland
2011 Undergraduate Certificate, Accounting, University of Maryland
2014 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course, Joint Forces Staff College, by correspondence
2014 Associate Degree, Management Engineering Technology, Community College of the Air Force
2015 Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2015 Professional Manager Certification, Community College of the Air Force
2015 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2016 Undergraduate Certificate, Human Resources Management, University of Maryland
2016 Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, University of Maryland
2016 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocate National Certification, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
2018 Graduate Certificate, Management and Leadership, Liberty University
2019 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Ala.
2019 Master of Arts, Executive Leadership, Liberty University
2023 Chief Leadership Course, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Ala.
2024 Senior Enlisted Legal Orientation Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2024 Group Command Team Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
1. June 2006 - August 2006, Basic Trainee, 326th Military Training Squadron, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
2. August 2006 - September 2006, Student, Medical Materiel Apprentice Course, Sheppard AFB, Texas
3. October 2006 - October 2012, NCOIC Patient Movement Items Center, 86th Medical Support Squadron, Ramstein Air Base, Germany (January - May 2009, Security Escort, 376th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan)
4. October 2012 - October 2013, NCOIC Acquisition Management, 72nd Medical Support Squadron, Tinker AFB, Okla.
5. October 2013 - December 2013, Student, Manpower Apprentice Course, Keesler AFB, Miss.
6. January 2014 - July 2016, Air Force Manpower Requirements Analyst, 5th Manpower Requirements Squadron, Tinker AFB, Okla. (January - July 2016, NCOIC HQ Staff, Combined Joint Task Force - Operation INHERENT RESOLVE)
7. July 2016 - January 2019, Superintendent Current Operations Division, Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency, JBSA-Randolph, Texas
8. January 2019 – February 2020, Superintendent Support Requirements, Headquarters, Air Education and Training Command, JBSA-Randolph, Texas
9. February 2020 – July 2023, Manager, Joint Manpower, Organization and Resources, Headquarters, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii
10. July 2023 - July 2024, Chief Enlisted Manager, Manpower, Organization, and Resources Division, Headquarters Air Force Global Strike Command, Barksdale Air Force Base, La.
11. July 2024 - Present, Senior Enlisted Leader, Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas
Defense Superior Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air and Space Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Air and Space Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster
Humanitarian Service Medal
2007 435 Air Base Wing Medical Services Medical Logistician of the Year
2008 Senior Airman Below-the-Zone
2008 435 Air Base Wing Medical Services Medical Logistician of the Year
2014 5th Manpower Requirements Squadron A1 NCO of the Year
2015 5th Manpower Requirements Squadron NCO of the Year
2017 Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency SNCO of the Year
2019 HQ Air Education and Training A1 SNCO of the Year
Chief Master Sergeant Jul. 1, 2023
(Current as of July 2024)